FAQ for UHF Passive RFID Reader Oct 06, 2020
ProblemsPossible ReasonsTry Solution

Read tag distance shorter or don't read 

Reader's paramaters settings correct or not?

Connect demo : 
connect--basic parameters-default all parameters--set parameters

Environmental signal interferencMove the card reader to other places to test At 1KM)
Check whether the polarization direction of the tag and antenna matchesIf the antenna is polarized, the tag needs to be aligned horizontally
Check whether the label surface is covered with other materialsIf the label surface is covered with other materials, and this material The frequency offset of tag antenna caused by material will directly affect the performance of tag antenna. To the reader's reading effect. If it is made of metal, by If the radio frequency signal can not penetrate the metal, the reader will not be able to read Tags
Check tag attributesMetal labels are generally required to be mounted on metal surfaces, so that It can give full play to the performance of metal labels. for other labels, It is better not be installed close to the metal surface.
Normal aging of label performanceDue to long-term use, the performance of tags will be not as good as before. this will has little effect for the reading distance. if the tags are severe aging,it may influence on the reading distances strongly reading distance will get very close. At this point, you need to consider changing the label.
Whether the label is UHF card

Make sure your card meets EPC GEN2 standard or
ISO18000-6B or ISO18000-6C

Connect Wiegand26 controller, no  output (no card number upload)Whether the reader parameters are set correctly

Connect demo : 
connect--basic parameters-default all parameters--set parameters

whether the reader's GND connect to controller's GNDThe black line of the card reader is connected to the controller D0 D1. On GND
Communication distance exceeding 10MUsing twisted-pair shielding wire, the power line signal line is separated.
Connect the Wigan controller, the controller displays the same card number.please refer to deal the same number for WG data
RS232 485 Serial Port Can't ConnectWether the card reader get on 12V power ?Check the power supply to confirm whether there is a problem with the power supply and whether it is on. When the power supply is OK, the card reader may burn out without prompting. Or the control board loosened (loosening needs to be detected by removing the cover);
Whether to use serial card or notUpdate Serial Card Driver, (Recommended use of CH340 chip and FTDI chip USB Transfer 232 converter)
Whether to Use USB Converter of Prolific Chip SchemeMost of these converters are incompatible
Is the baud rate set correctly?

Baud Rate Dropdown Menu Settings 9600 or 115200
(Different versions of card readers have different baud rates)

COM port is correct or not

Is the COM port selected connected to the reader and PC?

Serial Cable Connection Correct,

Cable Not Connected or Connected
Insecurity will cause PC commands not to be sent to read and write

iew the port number in Device Manager
Whether the serial cable or network cable is connected correctly and electrically Unconnected or unreliable cables can cause PC commands Cannot send to readerDetecting Connection Line
Network Port Can't ConnectThe default IP address set when the reader leaves the factory is:, as long as the PC's IP address and read-write The IP address of the device is in the same network segment, such as "192.168.2.XXX" can be reliably connected to the reader.Inserting card reader wires into routing of the same network as a computer In the device, open the demo software, switch to network communication, use Search networking device buttons for card reader lookup, IP parameters Number configuration. (Reference (081x) TCPIP Config (TCPIP) Parameter Settings). PDF Document
there is no Buzzer voice or flashing LED when swipe cards

if the reader is power on?
if there is power,it will have flashing LED light and voice

Check the power supply to confirm whether there is a problem with the power supply and whether it is on. When the power supply is OK, the card reader may burn out without prompting. Or the control board loosened (loosening needs to be detected by removing the cover);
Is the card reader set to response mode?connect the demo software,and change the passive mode to active mode
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