What is Standalone Access Controller Systems? Oct 10, 2020
The Standalone Access Controller Systems cannot communicate with the computer, and the access control settings permission is set on the keyboard or the mother card of the machine. There is also some access control stand alone single door system machines that are authorized to make cards such as a keypad with a liquid crystal display. SStandalone Access Controller System components include stand-alone card reader (with card reader and controller) +access control exit button + electric lock + access control power supply+ proximity card.When there is only one door, you can install a single door access control system, that is, a stand alone proximity access control system will be used. Standalone Access Controller Systems cannot communicate with the computer, and the access control settings permission is set on the keyboard or the mother card of the machine. There is also some access control stand alone single door system machines that are authorized to make cards such as a keypad with a liquid crystal display. Standalone Access Controller System components include stand-alone card reader (with card reader and controller) +access control exit button + electric lock + access control power supply+ proximity card.  Why do I need it?Standalone Access Controller is usually one or two small units wired directly onto a door panel to control access to the door. There is no need for a PC network and you don’t have to secure every single door within your building, only those you wish to. User tokens can be added to the system in seconds by presenting an enrollment card to the door. The administration is straightforward and can be done in a matter of minutes. Staff and visitors are issued with electronic tokens instead of keys. If someone loses their token, it can be simply barred from the system by presenting a shadow card to a reader. This ensures that if the token was found, it could not be used to gain entry and compromise the security of your building.  

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